I serve you with:
High sensitivity and business expertise.
Intuition and clarity.
Cordiality and power.
20 years of training, coaching, energy work.
I am your reminder for the Essence and help you to really be in self-leadership. So that you can master your (professional) everyday life safely, confidently, and naturally. Let me support you to achieve moving forward more easily and quickly, as well as taking back ownership of your power.
Me in Power
Did you know this, too?
For a long time I stood in my way to be truly self-empowered. Old limitations, inner beliefs, and experiences from this and previous lives had to be unwound to find my way back to my essence. I held back, adapted, and did not dare to be myself. It is my mixture as an intuitive management trainer and sound healer that distinguishes me. With my skills, I can optimally support your growth at work and in everyday life. The goal is not Self-Optimization but being yourself.

My strong foundation as a trainer and communication professional:
In 2018, I specialised my offer in modern leadership, self-empowerment and creating a new togetherness.
Guidebook "Einfach Präsentieren. Worauf es wirklich ankommt", Martina Pütz, Linde Verlag, 2012 and "Kreativität" for Management Circle AG
I founded be:comm Training & Coaching in Cologne in 2000 with a focus on a naturally strong appearance and personality development around the Self.
... the Düsseldorf training institute of the k.brain group of Dr. Klewes
today Ketchum, one of the leading communications consultancies
My path as a channel, intuitive guide, and empowerer:
for Healing Frequencies and Light Languages
Transformational Work including "Workshop for the Soul", "From Impulse to Action", "Empowered for Life" and "Training in Self-Being".
... Angelic Work, Light Body Process, Meditations and Internat. Healing Journeys
and collaboration with shamans from the USA, New Zealand and Germany
... the magic of the Kabbalah and warrior of light
for my personal growth
I support and accompany you with:
Vocal Sound Healing
Unlock your true potential: Releasing energetic blockages for the next step.
Holistic Coaching
Your step into your true Self-Empowerment: Back to your Essence.
Self in Power for Business
Truly powerful. Clear and confident leadership through more self-competence.
Your personal toolbox: concentrated practical knowledge. Impulses that have an impact and bring you forward.
Be sure of yourself
Even as a child, I had the gift of simply knowing things. That is, to have intuitive certainty about people, circumstances, situations and statements. Being clairvoyant, highly sensitive, and empathic was not easy in my childhood and youth, and I did everything to hide it. My first wake-up call, a burnout in my agency days, was the beginning of my soul journey back to myself. Soul in Power is my offer for you to (re)discover your essence and follow yourself confidently.
Being Self Aware
I have always been a (re)evolutionist without naming it in that essence. Even as a young teenager, I was interested in personal development and researched how I could find my true Self again. Self-doubt, inferiority complexes, and perfectionism defined my expression and my actions. But I had this strong longing to really be me. Simple and natural, real and authentic. Self-leadership requires my awareness, that is, being aware of why I do certain things or not. Only I can allow myself to accept my true power and strength and live it. With Self in Power for Business, I help you to succeed.
Leading yourself
Since the age of twenty, I have learned from different spiritual schools, healers, and intuitive coaches. I do not belong to any direction or group, but have recalled my abilities and overcome my fear of being myself again. In my early thirties, my Soul reminded me of my true gift, and my Ego made room for me to become a channel for Healing Frequencies and Light Languages. My special gift as an Intuitive Guide, Sound Healer, and Energy Worker is to facilitate deep transformation and the release of blockages for you. My Sound Healing opens the way for your Soul to come into guidance.
Love yourself (back)
For a long time, I pursued self-optimisation because of my inner fear of not being good enough. "Recognition over achievement" is the pattern I have lived, explored, and developed since childhood. To "love myself back" was the solution. Exercises and tools for my mindset and actions have helped me to do this. Here, I share my concentrated knowledge of tips and techniques from over twenty years of energy work, life coaching, and management training with you. So that you can be successful in your own business, as a leader or employee, and your Self can be in charge more easily.
See you in my free "MorePower4you" Zoom session on 24 April 2024 at 19:30? In this interactive workshop (1.5 h) you will get impulses for your self-empowerment. Are you ready for "MorePower4you"? Click on the button to take the first step.
See you in my free "MorePower4you" Zoom session on 24 April 2024 at 19:30? In this interactive workshop (1.5 h) you will get impulses for your self-empowerment. Are you ready for "MorePower4you"? Click on the button to take the first step.

Fun Facts
My marriage and emigration to Holland gave me my new haven and the courage to be myself even more and to share this with you.
I am an artist, but I don't quite trust it yet. Power animals and beings appear in my paintings that I don't consciously paint. My novel "Am Ende der Sehnsucht finde ich dich" is still looking for a publisher, and I am "a virtuoso for communicative solutions", as a coachee once said.
A great passion is creative cooking - across the fridge. My tarte flambée creations deserve their own blog. My baking talent has faded away... ask my Dutch family about the last apple pie.
My heart has room for all animals and also beats for the plant world. My elf or fairy part feels at home there. Animals understand my language of light. However, our cat is unimpressed and shows me that she is the boss at home.
- My inner child loves to be loud and wild, to measure forces, Calvin & Hobbs comics, to swing, and to eat spaghetti ice cream.