Are you worried about the future of this beautiful planet?
You don't want to accept that the future of the earth is only decided by a few?
It is no longer an option for you to idly stand by. You know that now is the time to take action.
Do you love the earth and all its creatures?
Your heart beats for animals, nature, water, and all living things. Because you know that everything is connected.
Would you like to actively contribute to healing our planet?
So far, you haven't found an easy way to make your contribution. You are wondering what you can do.
Are you worried that you are too powerless?
But your heart's desire is to create positive change. You simply want to be effective.
Here you will find the right community to help shape the earth's healing process.
Connect with me.
You make all the difference.
Together we supply the earth with healing frequencies.
How does it work?
You can find videos of my Planetary Healing Work on my YouTube channel.
I connect with a location and channel the needed frequencies. This can be in the form of light languages, vocal sound healing, or meditation. It happens without any intention or personal intervention from me. The moment you watch and listen to the video, its frequencies are retransmitted to that place. The place absorbs what it needs.
The principle of my energy transmission videos:
Choose intuitively which space attracts you. Use your personal technique to ground and align yourself. Let yourself be touched by the Cosmic Frequencies and allow your light to connect with the energy of the frequencies. That's all it takes. The special thing: You don't need any experience with energy work. Your intention is enough.
It happens in harmony with the earth.
The only requirement: open your heart - without an agenda, will, or your idea of what belongs there energetically. We offer the earth healing frequencies. It takes what is appropriate. Your heartfelt intention helps the frequencies to always find exactly the right place to unfold their effect.
Which place needs you?
Is there a particular place on earth that is close to your heart? Write to me and I'll see if we can work there together. I look forward to receiving your email:
Would you also like to grow more easily and heal something within yourself? If you want to delve deeper into a personal issue and change it, my Personal Vocal Sound Healing including coaching is the right choice.
How nice that you are here and that we have found each other.
Over the last 20 years I have been taken to various places around the world. I have done energy work there. Sometimes with other lightworkers, but often alone. Now, I would like to join forces with you to become even more powerfully effective.
In my free initiative, you give your attention to certain places on earth for a moment. You simply connect with the frequencies channelled by me. Through you and your intention, the healing frequencies are channelled to this place again. You become a transmitter for this energy, so to speak.
This happens even if we are not in the same room or working at the same time.
Welcome to my "Planetary Healing Mission".
My invitation:
Let's work together.
In conjunction with my "Planetary Healing Videos" on YouTube, you will become a transmitter for cosmic frequencies and healing energy.
Free, simple, and effective.