Martina van der Veer

Clear your space from non-supporting energies

Cleanse yourself and your space from energies that do not serve you. This vocal sound healing is designed to help move and release energies no longer useful. Simply allow the frequencies to flow through you and your space, breathe deeply, and release energies which do not belong to you. Take back the ownership of your personal space – internally and externally. If it suits you, you can work with the violet flame or violet ray of tansformation to support the cleansing. Use the regained space to invite new qualities: more abundance, freedom, clarity, connection, self-love. Take back what belongs to you: your space, your energy, your power.

Your benefit: You may feel relieved and empowered due to reclaiming your space. Experience new freedom within yourself. Strengthen your own connection to your Self and your power.

Practical Recommendations: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will be undisturbed. If possible, close your eyes and use your techniques to ground and align yourself. Take a deep breath, open up, and allow yourself to be gently touched by the frequencies. Trust your intuition and go with the flow that feels right to you. You may want a piece of paper or a journal nearby to write down insights and perceptions. If you feel a twinge of discomfort, just breathe and relax into it, fully accepting and allowing that aspect to surface and be moved by the healing frequencies. Decide for yourself whether or not the sound healing feels right at this moment. You are your own authority. After listening to your vocal sound healing meditation, drinking lots of water might help you. Listen to your body and take good care of yourself. Don’t use this Sound Healing under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or strong medications.

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